The Father Says Today: April 28th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am singing My song over you. I am singing My song and it is reverberating through every vein of fracture and wounding that has ever marked your life. I am singing My song and as My song sinks to deep into your human spirit I am mending and molding a re-fashioning you. I am re-fashioning you into the image that you saw in the mirror of Myself when I brought you forth from the substance of Myself. I have longed for your companionship says the Father. I not only call you son and daughter I call you Bride. The Bride and the Bridegroom are becoming one and the end result of that will be a peace and a joy that you have never known in its depths.
There is therefore NO crisis because if crisis was allowed it would distract from My purpose. I will not be distracted says the Father therefore you will not be distracted. The prattling and threats of the enemy are just the small dust of the balance on the scale of majesty that I am bringing to bear upon you and in you and around you. Be at rest Beloved and find your peace in My majesty. There is no trial or trouble or challenge that can deter what I am doing or what I am about to do. You will not be left out. I would no more leave you out than I would leave My bride at the altar. You are My bride. I call you espoused. I call you My espoused and I will defend you. I will defend you and surround you and cause you to know in this time the fullness of joy that I have in store for them that love My appearing in them.

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