The Father Says Today: April 25th, 2018

The Father says today, I am all about life and life more abundantly. Ask, that your joy may be full. What do you want? You are going to have to tell Me. The counsels of the uninformed declare that you cannot have what you want. They have Me all wrong. Life’s experiences and the criticisms of others have shouted down your desires and expectations. That is the lie the world tells you. I say to you that the ache in your heart is the prophecy over your life. That inbred, deep down desire planted within you by My Spirit is a seed germinated by faith. Set aside hopelessness. Refuse to be a victim. Never make excuses for a shortcoming. Never let your happiness be inside someone else’s head. I AM that I AM and I live on the inside of you, ruling and reigning over every circumstance of your life.
Faith, My beloved, is the substance of things hoped for. Make up your mind what you want out of life. Where hope is unexpressed, faith is rendered void. Hope is the trellis that the vine of your faith will bear fruit on. You are going to have to tell Me. You have told others, but they turned a deaf ear. You hoped that the world would somehow render up to you its bounty but the waste howling wilderness of past experience left you with the dry husks of disappointment. Let your mouth pray. Faith filled prayer on your lips opens the prison doors of disappointment. I say to you that you are coming out of the place of discouragement. I am working in you and with you. Find a place of cooperation. Put aside all pouting and selfish reasoning. Be a beacon of service and love others and from the seeds of your yieldedness change will come that you have longed for your whole life.

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