The Father Says Today: April 25th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today turn a deaf ear to the accuser. Your affirmation comes from Me and not from what others think or what they do. My favor is upon you says the Father. My favor is a shield that protects and safeguards you in every area of your life. Your blessing and promotion is not based on your intelligence or doing everything right. I am the God who makes you prosper even in the midst of mistakes and errors and miscalculations. If others look down on you or don’t take you seriously they are not discounting you they are discounting themselves from the things I have purposed to do in your life.
Take the accusations against you and make them a point of ascension in your life. Refuse to be distracted by your critics. Instead of responding to what they are saying respond to what I am saying. See yourself as I see you. Believe what I say about you and not what others or what circumstances says about you. You will either believe and respond to what I say of you or what others say but you can’t do both. You cannot honor God and fear man. Turn to me and I will turn to you with an avalanche of blessing. Be bold enough and determined enough to take a risk and move forward believing that I am with you and will not leave you or forsake you. I will bring you to promotion and My plan for you will come to fruition and fulfillment even as you have asked.

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