The Father Says Today: April 20th, 2018

The Father says today, I am not mad at you. I am not mad at you and I am not punishing you. You spend enough energy punishing yourself, but today that all ends. I want you to understand that I love you, because I love you, because I love you. I am ever moving toward you in love. My hand is not raised to hurl some lightning bolt of judgment at you. Rather, My hand is extended to demonstrate to you the nail print that was taken for the sole purpose of setting a place for you at My table. Come willingly. Come without reservation or hesitation. If your hands are dirty I will cleanse them. If your feet are soiled I will wash them. I have received you to Myself as a beloved child, once lost but now found. Come take the ring I put upon your finger and the robe I lay upon those tired shoulders. The celebration of My love for you is the characterization of what I have planned in the days and years left to you on this earth. Be encouraged. Accept forgiveness and forgive yourself, for today is a new day.
What of failure, and what of those things you have done and continue to do to disappoint My heart? They are symptoms of needed fellowship with Me. Come to Me with all your shortcomings and in My presence, you will be changed. Linger in My presence until those things of which you are ashamed no longer hold you bound. Do you understand what I am saying? Sin is symptomatic of a deficient relationship with Me that I am willing to rectify by receiving you AS YOU are, because in My presence you will be transformed. There is no need to whitewash your sins and shortcomings with excuses or accusations. Just because it is how you are does not mean I intended it to be that way. Sin is inborn, but in the new birth you get a makeover! In the new birth, I bring transformation and liberty from every tentacle of corruption that has held you in the vice of transgression. Come and be free this day. Abandon the fig leaf solutions that religion vainly offers. Where My Spirit is there is liberty and the prison doors of your misery stand undefended as you run to My open arms and accept My embrace this day.

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