The Father Says Today: April 17th, 2018

The Father says today, I am not wounding you, I am pruning you. Yield to the pruning, says God. What you have seen as unnecessary and to be avoided is a part of My needful process of bringing you to the very place you have cried out to be. The habits of the past and unfruitful attitudes are being cut away as I prepare you for a seed-fruit-harvest season. Would you like to know what it is for the plowman to overtake the reaper? Would you like to experience everything that you say and do becoming as effective as if I said it or did it? Would you like to see the seeds of your obedience produce a harvest before they hit the ground? That experience is available and in fact, in the book of your days written in the heavens before the foundation of the earth, THIS is THAT time for you! Your life was never meant to be a gauntlet of endless suffering or interminable waiting for breakthrough that never comes. That is not your portion, so prepare your heart for the level of cooperation necessary to get you from where you are now to THAT place of richness and abundance.
Your assignment currently is to see yourself not through the lens of your estimation of your shortcomings any longer. Look again, says the Father, look again. See yourself through the lens and through the filter of My potential on the inside of you. If you allow your plans and hopes to be tempered by your understanding of your limited capacities, you will sell yourself far short of what I am actually willing to bring about. I have not chosen you to accomplish the plausible. I have chosen you to achieve the impossible. Get ready, says God. Accept the pruning, says God. Though it may seem like I have cut you to the quick, know this, that a great harvest is ahead of blessing and purpose and a greater works anointing. Keep your eye on that harvest and not the chaff that is being burned away. The fires of My refinement are perfecting My character in you in anticipation of that good thing that is breaking in your life right now. Embrace it. Accept it and know that at the end of the process you will have tasted of the powers of the world to come and seen My promise come to pass in full measure in your life.

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