The Father Says Today: April 10th, 2018

The Father says today, I am your life. I am the substance, the power and the glory on the inside of you that is working change, if you will cooperate. Your actions of obedience open the aperture of glory on the inside of you to change your circumstance. Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. Refuse to wallow in self-pity. When you languish in negativity, nursing your wounds and blaming others for your situation, you have locked yourself away and thrown away the key. Rise up. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. Begin to war with your words against hopelessness. Refuse to linger in dejection and sorrow. I am your salvation. I am your deliverance. You can walk into what you have vainly waited for. Stand up on your feet and on your faith and move forward in confidence and verbal expectation of all that I have promised.
Go out in your day and empty yourself out in service to others. Find an undeserving person and love them unconditionally. Find a person you have judged harshly and pour out upon them measurable mercy and kindness. Give of your heart and give of your substance. Then find a total stranger and show them a measurable kindness. Give yourself away to others. In selflessness and generosity, you will open the heavens that they will no longer be brass to you. Be others oriented. Forget the past. Forgive yourself for the foolish and stupid things you have done to put yourself in the situation not of your liking. Take all that negative energy and convert it into a life laid bare in your determination to love and give and show kindness and mercy, for in so doing you are creating your own breakthrough, says God.

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