Self-Correcting Low Self Esteem and Moving Beyond Your Stuck Place

Improving low self-esteem is a gradual process that requires time and effort.  God wants you to feel good about yourself in the context of your Christian commitment before Him. Here are some actionable things you apply to yourself and see change in this important area of need:

A. Refrain from criticizing yourself and challenge negative thoughts when they arise. God told me years ago “Never listen to your critics.” That includes the brutal, painful practice of self-criticism.

B. Reflect on what it means to be made in God’s image by answering this question. Put it in writing or in a social media post.

C. Be honest with yourself about the root cause of your low self-esteem. Is there sin in your life? Addictions? Unresolved conflicts with others that require humbling yourself in the situation to the will of God and the way God would have you deal with what’s in front of you?

D. Boost your self-esteem by thinking positively about yourself. Always speak the positivity of God’s word over your life. Every day. Out loud.

E. Avoid overanalyzing situations or comments made by others. God told me “You think too much.” Much of what we assume about one another is TOTALLY wrong.

F. Trust in God and do not worry about the past or future. Enter into rest. God doesn’t require you to be a spiritual giant to walk in breakthrough.

G. Contemplate biblical truths about your worth and accept God’s evaluation of you. You will know the truth and it will set you free. Allow God’s word to penetrate past all excuses and self-pity. Know that He is with you to bring you to the end of yourself and the beginning of every good thing that lies ahead for you in His place.

H. Remember that your worth is not determined by success or approval from others. God hasn’t called you to be successful He has called you to be obedient.

I. Take control of your thoughts and do not let others dictate your life. How do you do that? When fear, anxiety, and struggle attach to your mind, revert to gratitude and thankfulness. The alchemy of gratitude will transform your thoughts and open you up to the grace of God’s comfort and strength.

J. Be patient with yourself, as God is not finished with you yet. Our time is always now. Realize that God is a God of process and outcome. Patiently embrace His process and your outcome is assured.

K. Create a list of your positive qualities to counteract negative thinking. It may take some effort. Every time you recriminate and put yourself down, stop and affirm your heart with something positive about yourself.

L. Avoid situations that contribute to low self-esteem. Don’t allow yourself to be addicted to the company of those who leave you feeling sad, empty, or intimidated.

M. Count your blessings and celebrate the good things happening in your life. Gratitude. It’s the key to the joy of God in every situation.

N. Engage in positive activities like helping others and giving rather than focusing on yourself. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you. 

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