Remember You HAVE Eagle’s Wings to Ride Prosperously in the High Places!

I am moving in to bring to pass, those things that are out of your hands and not in your control – even today, says the Father. What you thought would be forever in coming is at the gate and knocking at your door beloved. Now is your day of visitation. Now is the time of your salvation. I am shaking the heavens and rending the earth! I am moving the continents and troubling the oceans at the very breath of your prayers! So I am working and so I am moving – commit your way to Me. The light of My righteousness is coming forth now – rest in Me. Trust that deliverance is at hand. Wait patiently and don’t worry about those things you think the enemy is getting away with – for I am on the scene and making known the totality of My will that changes the shape of your tomorrows and brings you out of the many waters of despair that seek to envelop you.

Prophet Russ – I Rise Up with Eagle’s Wings Today, Over the Winds of Adversity!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

This is your inheritance season says God – delight yourself in Me. Put your attention on the abundance flowing to you from My throne, ignore the smoke and mirror threats the enemy would use to take your eyes off the prize I’ve made so readily available to you. Remember you have eagle’s wings. I never called you to be a barnyard believer. Mount up over the winds of adversity. Open your eye to see beyond the urgent to the important and critical things that need your attention. The warfare of the enemy who seems so entrenched against you is dissipating like so much vapor under the noonday sun of My faithfulness – even now.

Prophet Russ – I Leave the Barnyard of Unbelief – Today, and Rejoice in My Portion!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

This is your now season. Fret not. This is your time and it’s your turn for something good to happen. Are you ready for change? It’s available on the occasion of your faith. Dry your eyes and lift up your head. Laugh when you would rather cry. Rejoice when all around you are in mourning. The wicked may have drawn their sword but I am answering from the fire of My fury against every enemy of your soul. You are coming out on time and on target to land dead center into the midst of your blessing place and from thence you will not be moved!

My trumpets are sounding over you this day, says God. The call for assembly is bringing you out of isolation and setting you in the ranks of those who ride prosperously in the high places of the earth. As you have known the valleys and the dim places of obscurity, even so, I will now familiarize you and seat you in heavenly places that you might experience the defeat of the enemy and the establishment of a whole new purpose in your life by My hand. This day I bring forth the new thing over you, in you, and through you and nothing, I say nothing will ever be the same!

Prophet Russ – I Take My Seat and Ride Prosperously in High Places – This Day!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

What a word. Praise God! You know, 2 Chron. 20:20 says, “believe the prophets” and this is one of those moments. Sometimes prophets prophesy because they see coming for you.123 Then sometimes they prophesy from a level of oracle prophecy we mentioned last week. Oracle prophecy is when the thing God promises you happens BECAUSE THE PROPHET SAYS IT. The prophet doesn’t merely see it coming; they are prophesying it into existence. I declare this is your portion today. Believe for God’s best. Expect radical and immediate outcomes. Act in faith and lay hold of the impossible and see it become a manifest reality in your life! As we said last week – this is your AMAZEMENT SEASON, for we serve an amazing God!

Listen – responding to the word IN THE MOMENT is something Kim Clement taught us. Act now – and sow into this word. Sow bountifully. Sow according to what you need and want God to do in your situation. This is your time – make a move! What is the dimension of your seed? What do you need? Let the extent of the seed you sow reflect the dimension of what you believe for financially. God told us once, “If you have faith to give $10,000, you have faith to receive $1,000,000! Wow! That statement will locate you, won’t it! What you have faith to give – determines what you have faith to receive. Be a receiver in your giving today of the radical return. Radical giving produces radical results back into your life!

The Blessings and Anointing on FHM are Mine NOW as I Partner with this Ministry!

Now – take a step of faith and to go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.

ANNOUNCEMENT! We Now Have Text to Give:

Text the word PROPHET to 44321

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Cash App: $Propheticnow | Zelle: ""
(If you use one of these two options please send us your e-mail and
donation amount to so we can properly credit your gift. Thanks)

Go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation.

Via Paypal -or- Via Square

To Give by Phone:

You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.

To Give by Mail:
Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophet Russ Walden

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