Prophetic Word for 2018

Prophet Russ Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry brings a prophetic word for 2018: Transcription: It’s a new day says the Father and A new dawn. 2018 is the day that I declare over your life IT’S YOUR TURN. It is your turn to step into what I had in mind all along for you. It is your turn to cast off the grave clothes of regret and be transformed by the reality of who I AM in your life. This is your season to experience the fullness of the YES and AMEN that I paid for in your behalf on the cross. Receive it. Lay hold with the embrace of the faith all that I have accorded you of My promise. There is no need to look elsewhere or to wish desperately for some favorable wind of circumstance to open an opportunity for things to get better. Put your foot forward and I will give you the land under your feet. Put your hand to something and I will bless it. I am the rainmaker and the wind bringer. I am the wind at your back and the ground under your feet accelerating you from potential to manifest substance of My promise and your destiny.
This is the year that you manifest the substance of what you have hoped and believed for. This is the year that downturn and disappointment flee away and new hope, new life become the reality you walk in. Come up higher says the Father. The onramp to upgrade is before you. Come off the surface streets of circumstance, situation and the opinion of men or even your own opinion. Come out on the superhighway of My favor that is opening up before you says God. Every breath you breathe is proof of My intentionality and goodness. Every beat of your heart hope is breaking down the door of your prison house and beckoning you out to the freedom that is your in My Spirit. Healing is yours. Provision is yours. Fulfillment, entitlement, upgrade and God-speed acceleration are the words going out over you at My command. I bid you come. I bid you arise and come out from the catacombs of regret and just accept the thing that I am doing in your life this year. You won’t be disappointed. You won’t end in despair. Abandon all pessimism. Be that one person who accepts My word with credulity and with sacrificial obedience beyond any commitment made at any other time. My Lordship in your heart is manifesting as power and lovingkindness in your life today. You will look back in days and months to come and the only descriptor for what I am about to do as you cooperate with Me is WHAT ELSE COULD POSSIBLY GO RIGHT?

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Other Comments

  • Idah Handiya says:

    Thank you for the 2018 prophetic words….. I will surely wait upon God’s promises over my life this year

  • Geoffrey Shilton says:

    thank you for my prophetic word it was right on and very accurate thanks looking forward to fulfilment

  • Claudette says:

    I was told last week at a prayer conference I was led by the holy Spirit to attend because I had planned to go away with my daughter for that weekend that I have a prophetic gift and the Lord wants me to use it I have just read the download of what was written in 2013 and I do feel that is what iam called to do and be where do I start iam 60 and iam going through a lot changes in my life that the only thing I have left to stand on is Jesus please give your advice I live in the UK
    Godbless you all and keep up the goodwork

  • I Thank the Almighty Father God for the Miracle he’s Work in on my Life. Thank You Lord , for you know my hearts desire . Amen

  • Mitchell Jones says:

    I’m indeed grateful to God for the personal Word of prophecy. It is definitely CONFIRMATION.T Thank you Prophets Russ and Kitty. The enemy has tried to hinder my communication with you. Of course I’d desire to participate in the prophetic School. Thanks again and His blessings be unto you.

  • Zack Glasser says:

    Prophet Russ,
    Thank you for 2018 Prophetic Word.
    The email to friend is not working.
    Thank you again,

  • John Jager says:

    I’m responding to my prophetic word that was sent to me back in October! I had only just listened to it.
    I enjoyed listening. Your volunteer ministered the word and what she spoke was definitely something I had read at another time through the daily word also. Very good. Seems to confirm those things I had been hoping for, for my family. Bring on the mighty breakthroughs to release the heavenly atmosphere over and through my whole family! Thank you Jesus.

  • robearh says:

    Hallelujah !!! Glory, Glory, Awesome Father, my God, I receive thy words. I Praise you
    on High, Thank you. Amen !!

  • Apostle Reuben Morgan says:

    Good day Man of God. Thanks for the powerful prophecy for 2018.
    Please pray and release a Prophetic word for my life & ministry. Much appreciated & God bless.

  • Brigid and David Petersen says:

    I love the daily profetic I get,and me wife and son lance are trusting God for a lot of things namely to owne our own house,a permanent job for son Lance,a closer walk with God and a deeper understanding of the word,and I’m grateful for you’re daily profetic word.