Prophet Bob Jones Prophetic Word: Returning Glory


The Return of God’s Glory to the Church

This is the season the glory returns to the church. Over 40 years ago, Bob was told that God was removing His glory from the church and writing Ichabod over it. Ichabod clearly means “the glory has departed.” (I Sam.4:21). Bob inquired of the Lord why He was removing it. The Lord said that man had marketed it for self-gain. Man touched God’s glory, and He will not share it with anyone!

The Glory Train

In 2009 (in a trance), Bob was aboard a train with many other shepherds. Each one had a special seat assigned by the Holy Spirit. Bob asked the Conductor, “What is this train?” The Conductor told Bob it was the glory train and handed him a time capsule that was shaped like an egg. The egg had new life in it! It contained the beginning and end of time. Bob asked the Conductor, “when can I open this egg, and when will this train arrive?” The Conductor said the time was within the egg, and the egg will be opened in 2012.

Peace and Prosperity

2011 Bob was given Haggai 2:9 and told that peace and prosperity would be given to the believers in the church. To those who know their God, they will know God’s peace and prosperity during a time of judgment. It will be the best of times for those who know God and the worst of times for those who don’t.

Glory brings Separation

To what extent the glory will come, we don’t know, but Bob has believed for over 40 years that it would happen. The glory will bring a great separation between sheep and goats. God will separate the sheep from the goats single-handedly. There’s a separating of the sheep and goats this day among the nations. The sheep you will see graze nicely upon God’s lofty hills and become wealthy and wise, while the goats fall by the wayside. The goats will continue to be unclean while the sheep draw nearer to God. We are called to walk with God and be His sheepherders.

God’s Glory Arises

In this day of much devastation, you will see God’s glory extended to the believer. The day of God’s glory is coming as the smoke from the rubble clears, and we will see God’s glory arise from the ashes of the heap. His glory will be displayed as the saints go forth in love, joy, and truth. They will display God’s love and extend healing to the weak and faint of heart. No longer will man doubt God’s love nor His power. The believer will rest in the peace of God and prosper in the fullness of His abiding glory as the glory returns to His church.

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Other Comments

  • I will follow you Oh Lord, to get ever closer to you, to learn of you, to be teachable and to trust Your every Word. Thank you for Your people who have learned to hear from you; bless them for their brave obedience in sharing it with others.

  • amanda spencer says:

    love this ,God you are awesome ,the lord said to me in a dream 2012 is a year like no other …wow let your glory fall lord open the unbeliving eyes to see ..x