Precisely the Prophetic, Part 30

Chapter Eleven: The Jericho Drive (cont)

Just saying the words made our ears ring, but we knew it was God. The Father had also said that after spending a year non-stop on the road, we would fly to Europe and preach the gospel in twelve countries before returning home again. All of this would come to pass, and God showed His power and displayed His glory in our lives and around the world. It took us a month to find ways to give away all our furniture and appliances. We sought out needy people and worthy ministries locally to us and asked them to come and take away all our personal property. We gave away all our things until there was nothing left except what we thought we would need to live life on the road. Even those few items we gave away in the first few months of what we called “The Jericho Drive” around the country. We figured if it didn’t come into the hotel room at night, then we didn’t need it and found Samaritan centers and benevolence ministries here and there to give 90% of what we’d packed in the car away as well.

When you start out obeying God, there are always surprises and not always pleasant ones. When we had packed and were pulling out of our apartment complex to make this grand journey – low and behold – someone rear-ended us damaging our car!

After extracting ourselves from that mess, we made our way east because that was where God told us the Jericho Drive would begin. In traveling to the east coast, we had not made any previous preparation for where we would be or what we would do. This was all by God’s design. He had spoken to us that we would begin the Jericho Drive in Columbia, SC. One of our early supporters lived there – a chiropractor by the name of Vernishia Robinson. The Lord told us that we would stay for a time at Vernishia’s home but that we couldn’t call her ahead of time to make the arrangements or even see that it was possible. How would that possibly work out? By divine design of course. As we were driving down the highway, the cell phone rang and who might it be but Vernishia! She was bubbling over with excitement as she gave the reasons for her call:

“Papa Russ and Mama Kitty the Lord laid you on my heart, and I don’t know where you are at or what you are doing, but you have to come and stay in my home! You have to stay in my guest room, and I have to cook for you and care for you by the leading of the Lord…”

When she finished speaking, it was her turn to be astonished to learn that God had already instructed us and we were on our way to her home after making a stop in Destin Florida to visit with Bill Lackie, the head of the Christian International Prophetic School. We made our way to the Emerald Coast of Florida and secured lodging on Scenic 30A just across the street from beach access. We contacted Prophet Bill and were thankful to find that he was available and agreed to see us. We visited in his office for about two hours, and during that time he prophesied to us that God would confirm the Jericho Drive by two things. A meteor would strike a city, and there would be an earthquake also – as a sign that we were hearing God correctly and that He was indeed with us on this coast to coast prophetic trek. That sounded fantastic and beyond plausibility to us, but at the same time, we understood the prophetic character of things in our life and tucked those things in our heart.

The very next day, an earthquake struck Seagrove Beach where we were staying. Kitty was downstairs in the condo laundry room, and I was upstairs doing prophetic counseling with a government contractor from the Philippines. Suddenly I heard a loud thud, and the entire building shook. My first thought was that a vehicle had struck the building, although our rented condo was far back from the street. Then another thud, this time much stronger shaking the structure even more. I stepped outside on the balcony and looked down toward the laundry where Kitty was. She also heard and felt the tremor and stepped outside, looking back up at me. The strange thing was that none of the other tenants came outside to investigate. Neither were there any car alarms going off as a result of the tremor and shaking. We couldn’t explain it then or now, but the first sign Bill Lackie prophesied came to pass the very next day. The second sign would soon be revealed as well.

A few weeks later, we arrived in Columbia, SC, and stayed with Vernishia for a week or so. We held several prophetic meetings including meetings with “Vee” and her friends and family and also several meetings hosted by Bishop Nancy Drew of the Evangelical Protestant Church. God made Himself known in a profound way as secrets of men’s hearts were revealed, and lives were changed by the prophetic word. Those relationships solidified during that visit and have lasted right down to the time of this writing.

The day came that we departed Columbia and headed toward Atlanta – our next stop. The drive was long, and we planned to stop over in Augusta for the night. We quickly arranged for a meeting room in a nearby restaurant and e-mailed an invitation to our friends and supporters to join us for an impromptu prophetic meeting. This was how it went during the entire Jericho Drive. We installed a live, real-time map on our website that showed our exact position to our visitors. It was an attention-getter and as they watched online as we traveled we would get an e-mail saying “you are five miles from my home – take Exit 5 and meet me at Denny’s diner and I’ll buy you lunch…” There was no plan, no advance person setting up meetings or marketing our ministry. God was orchestrating it all as we traveled to 66 cities that year and crossing the nation four times.

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