Live with Prophet Russ – The Threefold Cord of Radical Change in Your Life – Today!

Live with Prophet Russ – The Threefold Cord of Radical Change in Your Life – Today! Prophet Russ brings a word of breakthrough from Gal. 5:25:

[Gal 5:25 KJV] 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Paul is pointing out in this verse that progress in God doesn’t just happen – you have to move – or walk into it. What does it mean to “walk in the Spirit”? To walk means to “progress by steps.” In Luke 17:20, Jesus said the kingdom doesn’t come from observation. That means YOU have to DO SOMETHING to see change come. Lethargy and stagnation are not the default state that God intends for you to languish in till Jesus comes. What is the path of progress? It is threefold: 1.) John 5:19; 2.) Matt. 7:1; 3.) John 12:24. Do what you see the Father do; have no opinion about the consequences; and relinquish the outcome. Things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different, you must do something different. Then you can experience the kingdom that Rom. 14:17 describes as RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY. That is the ground of change and transformation that will bring you into your blessing place. Does this word resonate with you? Then activate the working of this word on your behalf by sharing it with others (because faith works by love). Then mix this word with some faith by sowing into the word of your giving. Giving into a word sets the predicate for what happens next and brings God’s blessing in that very area!

Prophet Russ – I’m Breaking Out of Spiritual Lethargy to Radical Breakthrough – Today!


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