His Ways and His Acts – Why Moses’ Face Shined

It’s one thing to see what God is doing but another thing altogether to understand why God does what He does. God wants you to know the depth of His counsels, and in so doing, the entire trajectory of your life will be unalterably changed for the good. David understood this and wrote:

Psalms 103:7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

God doesn’t just want you to know His acts, He wants you to know His ways – and there is a BIG difference. The children of Israel knew God’s ways and rebelled over and over again. Moses knew God’s ways and talked with God as a friend talked with his friend.

[Exo 33:11 KJV] 11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.

Moses was so close to God that his face glowed like a lantern from time spent in God’s presence. I’ve seen men like that. There was one minister I knew who preached under the anointing almost every night for 30+ years. At an advanced age, this man’s skin was clear as a cover girl’s with no wrinkles and a head of jet-black hair.

Did you know that quantum scientists have discovered that all creation, including your body, vibrates at a wavelength similar to a radio wave? They can observe that even the atomic particles of your body blink in and out of existence. What puzzles them is that they don’t know where you go when you “blink out” They don’t understand why when you “blink in” you still have the same scars, etc. This shows you what God had in mind when He made man to live forever. He intended for you to blink out (into what science calls “the quantum field” or the “field of all possibilities”), and when you do, your body would renew and repair itself, and you would blink back in fresh and in perfect health. We can see this in Psalm 104:15:

Psalms 104:15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine,

David is saying that the oil (anointing) is to your spirit man (the face represents the spirit) what wine is the body. Moses was “drinking in” God’s presence and was refreshed literally by the experience. That’s just a taste of the immortality that will keep you alive forever in glory.

While Moses’ face was shining in communion with God, the people were fornicating with the priestesses of Baal-Peor, worshipping a golden calf and pining for the leeks and garlics of Egypt. What was the difference? They saw God’s acts, but they didn’t know His ways. What can we learn from this? God has a ways and means committee. When I was 20, God dropped a supernatural deposit of wisdom into my heart, and that wisdom has sustained and prospered me for 40 years. That’s what God wants you to have. To know His ways. To understand His heart. To commune so deeply with Him that you are not only spiritually changed but even physically refreshed by the experience?

If these things be, what can we do to press into them? Use Moses as an example. Take your shoes from off your feet and get on holy ground. Your inner man is to you what the Burning Bush was to Moses. To walk barefoot before God – circumspectly and not as fools. Make every decision and speak every word with an acute sensitivity not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Keep an open line between yourself and God’s still, small voice. Keep your anger in check. Watch your mouth. Immerse yourself in the word more than any other content or information swirling around you. Sit quietly before Him and speak to Him as friend with friend. Know when to look Him in the eye and when to fall on your face and kiss His feet. Then something will begin to stir in your life that will bring change and transformation beyond any metric of human understanding. Who’s with me?

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