Half Million Dollar Debt Erased by the Word of the Lord!

Validity in the prophetic is confirmed by the testimony of others who have seen breakthrough in their lives. Here is a report of a major financial miracle that only hints at what God is willing to do in your own life. Years ago, as I began in the prophetic, the Father challenged me to be BOLD and AUDACIOUS concerning His words over others:

“If you say it, I will do it. If you don’t say it, I won’t do it!”

I have responded to that declaration, and the miracles have continued unceasingly as the prophetic word has changed lives. We received a report of a prophetic breakthrough that liquidated a HALF-MILLION DOLLAR DEBT by the word of the Lord! Here is that report:

I wrote you sometime concerning a short sale.  You told me that I needed to cry out to the Lord and set aside some time for God.  To seek out a crisis resolution.  I went to the settlement [meeting]. The bank erased the debt of over $500,000.00.  The attorney stated that the settlement took time because the bank did not want to erase the debt.  The buyers put up money to resolve my crisis. I put up some money, and the rest came from another source.  I praise God.  I thank God for you and your ministry… [name withheld]

The words crackled like electricity over me as I read them. A financial miracle that defied all expectations! 2 Chron. 20:20 says, “Believe the prophets, so shall you prosper!” The prophetic word will turn back circumstances, break stagnation and provoke your miracle!

Be encouraged and know that God will not leave you without answers for your life. He will answer from on high through the power of His gifts, and the prophetic word will deposit you in the midst of a breakthrough experience that will shatter the enemy’s advances against you!

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