The Father Says Today: September 21st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today no more timidity and no more fear. I am calling you out of fear and into perfect love. Perfect love casts out fear beloved. On the cross – through the work of the cross I brought perfect love online in your life in a perfect way. I am perfecting what you have committed to Me. Relinquish the outcome. Let go of every expectation contrary to My promise. I am bringing you to highest-heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I have not excluded you and I have not denied you – make it your determination not to exclude or deny yourself through unreasoning and unjustified fear. What I have done for you in the past is only the beginning of your new found fruitfulness.
Are you ready for the net-breaking catch? Are you ready for everything you say and do to become as effective as if I said it and did it? The season you are now in the threshold of is all about new entitlement – new experience of the entitlements of the cross. The entitlements of the cross are impacting you even this day in your health, in your spiritual well-being, in relationships and even in in your finances. Step up right now and eat the fat and drink the sweet. The King has sent to you His worthy portion. You are not being denied. Receive it by faith. Spend your faith and you are spending the currency of the kingdom on what the economy of man cannot purchase. I am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you. This is your blessing time says the Father.

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