The Father Says Today: October 9th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that My deep is calling to your deep this day. You have asked for a deeper relationship, and it is available as you press in to your quiet times with Me. Say to your eyes be opened, and to your ears to hear what My voice is saying in the depths of your heart and your spirit man. Your inner man is where I will be found and where I will be made known, says the Father. Make a choice to get that alone time with Me that is necessary. Silence waits for Me. My voice is found in you and identified in the silence between your own thoughts. There will be times that you will need and desire solitude like some people desire necessary food. It is in that place I will come to you, and you will sup with Me, and I will commune with you and change will come.
You are also coming into a place of intercession. Interceding in prayer, not only for others, but for that hidden man of the heart I have formed and fashioned you to be. Intercession for the person that I have called you to be, to come into manifestation. As you pray into who I say you are, then I will cause that hidden man on the inside of you to stand up and be made manifest. Then I will take you on from there to greater maturity and a distinct transition to a new maturity in My kingdom. So this day, take the time and make a concerted effort to come away to the quiet place. Open your heart and choose to listen deeply, and it will be My voice and My Spirit that you will encounter there as you see My wind of change beginning to blow and bringing you to a whole new arena of experience in My kingdom.

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