The Father Says Today: October 31st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, there is a place where you will never be defeated. It is a secret place that you are invited to live and dwell in peace. For the one who makes his habitation in the secret place, that one will be secure in the resting place of the Most High. Trouble comes in the terror by night, and fear is unleashed by the arrows that fly by day, but it shall not come near you. While pestilence and destruction lies in wait for the wicked, you will only observe as one who witnesses the falling of those on your left and on your right, but it will not come near you. So fear not Beloved. There is no access by the enemy in the secret place, says the Father.
Indeed, your every movement and every moment is watched over and protected by My faithful attending angels, who are assigned to your watch-care. They are ever defending you and coming to your rescue, again and again, always keeping you safe from harm, and out of the reach of the enemy’s plot and plans. I am always with you Beloved. I will never leave you or forsake you and when you call on Me, I will answer you and deliver you from all harm, danger and trouble. I am pouring out much honor and favor upon you, and you will be completely saturated in My blessing and benefits, because I love you, My Beloved.

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