The Father Says Today: October 19th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 3.54.40 PMThe Father says today that I am speaking enlargement over you. The parameters of your blessing will not be determined by the opinions of men or even by your own opinions says the Father. I am widening and deepening a place on the inside of you for My Shekinah blessing to dwell. As you go through your day never allow circumstances or the callous indifference of others to make you feel small. I have set you as the apple, the very pupil of My eye says the Father and there is not one aspect of your life that does not loom large in My heart.
In My kingdom says the Father you are not insignificant. You not just a number in some cosmic database or a face lost in the crowd. My breath of blessing and enlargement and increase is blowing upon you this day in fullness for this is the delight of My heart. The intensity of My focus on your life is for the demonstration of My goodness for all of My wrath was exhausted upon My Son on the cross. I am not angry with you nor have I turned My face from you. Forget the past. Forgive, release, bless. Move on. Step into the new day where My mercies will be found waiting an inexhaustible in your behalf.

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