The Father Says Today: October 13th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, do not rationalize away your blessings. Do not allow circumstances or false wisdom to talk you OUT of what I am talking you INTO. Do that which I have called you to do. Listen to My voice that I promised would be speaking and leading you with, “this is the way – walk you in it…” There may be those around you – and not just your enemies, who may recommend and counsel you to ignore what I have plainly led you to do. Refuse to dilute My word or My instructions to you. When you dilute the word of instruction I have given, you are diluting the promise that I have given as well. Be a Father pleaser. Obey first and foremost. If others do not understand, then keep loving them and keep moving forward.
This is a time of expectancy. I am bringing My promises to birth in your life. Embrace the expectancy of what I am doing this day in your life. Receive the expectancy in yourself, and impart that expectancy to others. Be as one who releases expectancy in the hearts of the people. Do not get caught up in the doom and gloom predictions of those who have put their trust other than in what I am saying and doing in the earth. Say in your heart and say out of your mouth that the sky isn’t falling – the kingdom is coming. Let this be your declaration, and it will be exactly what happens in your life. Your life will rise exactly to the level of your expectation and your confession. Let your mouth be a well of life, and not death. Embrace, believe and speak the blessing, and the blessing will encapsulate your life and determine what happens next.

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