The Father Says Today: October 12th, 2014

DSC01457The Father says today that faith, patience and perseverance assure you of victory. Patience will put you over against the enemy of your souls because he doesn’t have any. The devil has no patience says the Father – he will give up and get off when you refuse to cave in. Rest in Me and rest in the perseverance I give you. Rest in the grace I give you to display courage and expentancy when everyone else turns tail and run.
Come and enter now into a new dimension and a new experience. Don’t be afraid of the unknown for the unknown is a gift that I unwrap and the angels shout “surprise”! Be surprised by love and favor and the full scope of My blessing says the Father. The battle against your faith and your confidence will fade when you no longer merely wish to survive but determine to move from rescue to breakthrough.

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