The Father Says Today: October 10th, 2014

Russ-2014-01The Father says today when I look at you I see the Lamb. I see the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. Before you were able to choose either good or bad I provided for your cleansing and chose you as My beloved. I am not interested in dealing with sin. I have no interest in your sin. I am so determined not to look at your sin that I took it away by the blood of the cross 2000 years ago. This is the proceeding word for your life says the Father – “go and sin no more..” This is possible and more than a command it is a promise.
You see says the Father you were born for destiny and not transgression. Let your eyes look right on and choose not to be distracted. You are better than this. You are My beloved, the object of My affection – the reason that I sent My son to bleed and die upon the tree. Until you value yourself as I value you then sin will rule over you and contaminate your joy. Let go. Forgive. Release. Bless. Move on. Be free. Today is your day of freedom and release.

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