The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, prepare yourself for the consequences of total victory. The base state of being a believer is to see everything you say and do become as effective as if I said it or did it. Your eyes will see the destruction of the wicked. Your ears will tingle at the report of My hand laying heavy upon those who have warred against My purposes. You will be tempted to glory in the judgments against them, but I say to you, mourn for their losses. Even as David – a man after My own heart mourned and fasted for his enemies. When his enemies fell, he mourned for them like they were his best friends. He was denigrated and rebelled against – he was lied to and defamed, yet his heart ached with compassion for the suffering of his detractors. He knew the reality of what was in his own heart – he understood that only My love and favor stood between his own life and a similar fate. Let this love be in you. Let My mercy be your first response to the report of the demise of your enemy.
This is the hour that much upheaval will be seen in your land. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and only that which is compatible with My kingdom will remain. The fortress of the enemy will be shown to be anything but impregnable. Those who have incessantly mocked, scorned and vilified will be smitten before your face. I will deliver your enemy – those who chose to walk in enmity against you – I will deliver them into your hand. What will you do then? Will you crush them? Will you gloat and despise their pitiful complaints? What you do next will define so much more than your true heart’s condition. Your own future will be weighed and balanced by the metric of the mercy you show to those who have so mistreated you.

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