The Father Says Today: May 8th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today you are more than a conqueror. The warfare around you isn’t going to go away. It isn’t going to go away because I never walk away from a fight. What you have identified as a battleground isn’t really a battleground at all – it’s a proving ground. The struggle you are in the midst of is the ground that I have chosen to prove to you just how powerful I am and how passionate I am about putting you over in every circumstance and situation you come up against. You have to get this says the Father because there are those in religious culture who have wrapped their identity up in fighting a battle that I already won 2000 years ago. What they think is conquest and victory is just picking over the bones of an enemy I vanquished on the cross and triumphed over in the resurrection millennia ago. Enough sabre rattling says the Father, let’s get down to some real progress in your life and in the earth of seeing the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of your God and His Christ.
My starting place is your own personal life. I will not use you to pull down a stronghold when you are having trouble finding the motivation to get out of bed in the morning. So know this – I am putting your foot in the neck of your enemy as Joshua did with the elders of Israel in the promised land years ago. I want you to see the fear in the enemy’s eyes. Do you know what the enemy fears? You do know that he does fear don’t you? Where do you think that Satan got the idea of fear? It originated in his own heart when I declared to him in Eden that the heel of the woman would crush his head. He hasn’t been able to sleep since! Do you know what the enemy is afraid of? He is afraid that you are going to show up for the fight. He is very successful in keeping My people from the fight by intimidation, misdirection and confusion but you are neither intimidated, misdirected or confused. Are you? Of course you are not. I would that you understand that the whole of your success in this cosmic struggle of good and evil, between the kingdom of light and the domain of darkness is just showing up. Just show up says the Father and look to Me. You will be astounded and blessed by what happens next.

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Other Comments

  • Darlene Jemison says:

    This is spot on for me today and I thank God for speaking to me on This mothers day.

  • Well, just reading the first few sentences had me flat up against the wall, on my tippy toes, head turned looking down. My Master Drill Sergeant has found me, lol. All I can say is that Prophet Russ definately has an open heaven of communication and I know because The Lord can trust him to release it word for word. My goodness, this word!!!! Whew! Okay, straightening up my armor and helmet and here I go marching into the proving ground only with a different attitude.

  • Ruth gillette says:

    Thank you my Lord for this message. I love you very much

  • Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name.. confusion and strongholds will come to an end.. For the battle is not yours it’s the Lord..