The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I am not obsessed by sin. I am not thinking about your sin I am thinking about the price that was paid so that your relationship with Me would be about WHO I AM and not what you did. I am not dealing with you in terms of your past. I am dealing with you and interacting with you and walking with you on the basis of who you WILL be as you manifest the fidelity toward Me that My grace makes possible. I am blessing you based on who you are BECOMING IN ME because of the cross. That isn’t what you’ve been taught but know this – I am not bound by wrong ideas men have about Me and I don’t want you to be bound either. You have My permission to radically believe in My unconditional love. My promises are linked to who you are becoming – based on My promise. I am not hindered and My promises are not hindered by who you WERE yesterday or even 5 minutes ago. I am the God of time and eternity and I am stepping into your now to ameliorate the damage of your past and launch you into the reality of your potential in Me.
This is My goodness. This is My favor. My favor toward you is extreme beyond any human metric. When you think about My favor think about who I am and just how big I am. I created the universe that is so vast it cannot be measured just to give you a suggestion of the containment I have created for the favor that I am showing you. Trust Me says the Father. My thoughts toward you are more than the stars of the heavens or the sand of the sea and every one of those thoughts flow out of unimaginable favor. When you are cast down – be of good courage I am standing up. I am standing in the gap between your present and your future making sure that it is My grace that is filtering every negative influence so that the difficulties are falling away and the blessings are mounting up. Trust Me says the Father I have everything in hand. Know that there is nothing – no nothing of the enemy that can remain in your life because you have decided to radically and ridiculously put your confidence and your expectation upon Me!

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Other Comments

  • Father desires to move us out of a Sin Consciousness into a Son Consciousness … cause us to abide in Christ.
    As a New Creation born of the Holy Spirit we need to leave behind ALL preconditioning and as a Child of the Spirit, we must release our childish understanding as we are matured by our Heavenly Father. Otherwise we interpret the present Spiritual meaning with a earlier revelation; one which could taint our walk in the Spirit and stunt our growth.
    “AUTHENTIC REVELATION: I fear for those so secure in their beliefs that there is no room for the transformational wonder of Divine discovery…the kind that has the power to change you forever. Don Nori Sr.”

  • Karen says:

    I received a word concerning my business and I believe it to be accurate and true. It was a very encouraging word as well as what was prophesied will be very joyful and fun to experience. I am looking forward to every bit of it! Praise God! and thank you Terri Allen! God Bless You all!

  • Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name.. Thank you Father God for your word, I will rejoice and walk in your truth in this presence time and season you have for me.. I Trust you Father God, with everything..

  • Wooow amen thank u Jesus i trust u Lord i believe nd i receive ur word is true nd it wnt return to void without achieving that which u sent it out to achieve