The Father Says Today: May 31st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today be fixed in your faith. Be fixed in your faith and in your mind that highest heart’s desire will be your outcome. There is outcome and there is process in My kingdom. As you cooperate with My process you will come to your outcome. Expecting to have an outcome without the due process of My kingdom is not faith it is wishful thinking. There is a difference between religious vanity and manifesting the substance. Being double minded will not produce in your life. Being double minded will only result in going round in circles and never seeing positive change take place. Begin by making up your mind and your heart where you want to go in life and what you want the outcome to look like. Refuse to conjure up some anemic idea of what breakthrough looks like. Believe for the impossible. Believe for the improbable. Get firmly fixed in your mind with definite conviction that all things are possible and that possibility is your portion and not denial or shortcoming.
In the pursuit of your dream and your vision, pause long enough to release those you have held expectations on. Faith will work but it will only work by love. Open your eyes and see the areas of relationship and expectation that have hindered you and hindered those you haven’t been able to release to My hand. Forgive says the Father. Release others from every demand or requirement. Let go of the past. There is no going back. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. The people in your life who refuse to move on and grow up will never change as long as you hold them up to a standard that they have proven to have no willingness to embrace. As I did with the rich, young ruler – LOVE THEM and LET THEM GO. You follow Me. Follow Me with fixity of purpose. Follow Me without any backward glance as to what others might think or whether they will follow and support the choices you are making. Follow Me says the Father and you will never be disappointed or come to nothing.

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