The Father Says Today: May 30th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that My blessings are overtaking you. When you seek the kingdom, beloved – the kingdom is seeking you. As you hearken to My voice and heed My commandments and follow My directives the blessings that you expect and long for will come on you and overtake you in the way. This is My anointed process. This is the level of cooperation that is involved in bringing every good thing and every beneficial resource online in your life. Are you done with lack, and deficit and detriment in your life? Things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different you must do something different. My voice is speaking to you every moment of every day. My sound is going forth into all the earth and into your soul and your spirit. Hearken to My sound. Respond to My voice. Refuse to accept the lie that you cannot hear or have not heard.
You must be willing to get out beyond your understood principles and patterns of behavior that have not served you. Say of your soul “I am ready for change – I am willing to change”. I am the Changeless One says the Father. I am changeless, yes but I require of you to live in a constant state of change, flexibility and yieldedness to My heart and My mind that is directing you. Command your eyes to see. Command your ears to hear. See, and hear what My Spirit is saying. I will be the voice speaking over your shoulder saying “this is the way – walk ye in it…” As you do so miracles and signs and wonders will attend your every step. Others will look on and see My favor at work in your life. They will look on and wonder and some will look on and resent the fact that I am blessing and bringing you to breakthrough. Just love them and speak truth to them when they ask. This is what the life of being a disciple involves and includes. Are you a disciple or a mere follower? The answer to that question makes all the difference in your life.

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