The Father Says Today: March 8th, 2017

The Father says today, your life over the next five years is going to be anything but boring.  You are a person not interested in marching in place in your walk with Me. You have no interest in just treading the waters of religion waiting on death or the rapture to take you. The Father says, I have put an adventurous spirit on the inside of you because I have assignments ahead that will require courage and a new level of obedience to walk in. In the next 5 years, you will see 3 very distinct shifts in the status quo in your life.  One of these is relational, the other one is financial and the other one is experiential.  There will also be a call to travel in ministry purpose, giving yourself away to the needs of others. These assignments will instill on the inside of you a hunger for learning and hunger of experiences that will enlarge the place of your habitation and destiny.
Yes – I have some surprises for you. Your life is going to be populated with surprises, suddenlies and bombshells from heaven that will awake and alert you to My purposes. I will indeed cause you to know the fullness of life as I intend it to be lived. Make up your mind to keep up with My plans. Lay hold on Me and spend time with Me so you will be able to keep up with what I’m doing. People will look at your life and at times think you are being flighty and inconsistent, but this is something that I put on the inside of you. I am also sending new friends your way. You will have an eclectic array of friends over the next five years. You won’t have natural things in common but you will have the kingdom in common. You will hold on to each other and hold on to Me because everything else will have to take a back seat to the new and unusual things that I am bringing about in your life. Get ready, says the Father, for the transition into the new and out of the old wineskin is just ahead – in fact it is right now. Listen closely and obey completely that your joy may be full and your fruitfulness may abound as I intend.

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