The Father Says Today: March 2nd, 2017

The Father says today, that I am severing all hindering attachments in your life. There are those that you wanted to take with you, but I say to you that is “Lot” in your life. I have called you but I haven’t called many that you have been emotionally connected to. They represent your past and can only hold you bound to the past. Give them to Me. Trust Me to bless them in ways that they are looking to you for. You can’t be who I can be to them. Let them go. Why wait as Abraham waited till the herdsman strive and relationships are broken in woundedness and misunderstanding? Give Lot the well-watered plain before the problem comes. Gather yourself into the high places and know that I will ratify My promise in your life when you separate from those contaminating connections that have not and do not, nor have they ever served My purposes. When you obey Me, then the promise will be made sure and I will protect you and even make your mistakes to prosper because then your heart will be right before Me. 
I have not called you to contend with man, says the Father. Contention is the distraction and not the true battle. Just because I come through for you doesn’t mean I wanted you in that battle in the first place. Learn the lessons of humility and make it your choice to not assume you can out think what I am going to do next. I will spare you much heart ache and much unnecessary contention if you will hide yourself in Me and trust Me, even for those things that man seeks to steal and lie and rob out of your life. In that moment of vulnerability just trust the anointing. Trust My Spirit, for My Spirit is attended by My angel and My angel is a man of war to fight and defend you when all seems lost. This is the rejoicing and this is the celebration, even in the looming shadow of the enemy’s threats. You can be glad and happy in the battle because you know in the midst of all that difficulty is a table laden with good things that I will fill you with and refresh you and satisfy you, because you kept your focus upon Me and not what man is doing.

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