The Father Says Today: March 23rd, 2016

The Father says that I will use you to touch lives today. I am positioning you to minister to someone, a specific individual. You’re going to identify them when you see them because your spirit will leap in your heart and you will know that you know this is the person you are to speak to and minister to in My name. Know this says the Father that regardless of appearances they are at the end of their tether. They are looking for answers and need to hear a word from My throne. You will open your mouth and Proverbs 16:25 will come forth: “There’s a way that seems right to a man, but the end there of is destruction.” I will put you in the right place at the right time and they will be prepared in their heart to listen and to hear and respond. My Spirit is the Spirit of Counsel and My wisdom is in your mouth to deliver and assist and direct and comfort those in need. I choose to use you to bless and to benefit others and this person in particular to keep them from an unproductive and wrong decision.
This is a new beginning of ministry portion and fruitfulness. Purpose to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith I have called you. Know that My voice and My wisdom and My anointing will always be with you to touch the broken hearted and lift up those that are cast down. Choose this day to be the vessel I am disposed to use to touch those in need from this day forward. No more waiting. No more disqualifying yourself. Just know that I am with you and will give you the words necessary to speak. As you speak and share your heart it will be as though scales will fall off their eyes and suddenly they will know what needs to change in their life and they will find the courage to do just that. It will be redemption for that person, a word in season to bless and deliver. I declare this day that I will use you again and again you’ll be a conduit of blessing and a conduit of ministry and a conduit of wisdom for others and what you make happen for others in My name I will produce likewise in your own life for My glory.

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