The Father Says Today: March 15th, 2017

The Father says today I am coming in visitation in your life.  Say of your soul that your day of visitation has come. A day of change and shift in fundamental circumstances of your life. Keep listening. Keep your eyes trained upon My purposes. You have nothing to fear or any need to be intimidated in any way. This is not a day of darkness for you because you know Me and are capable of hearing My voice. For those who choose not to walk in relationship with Me it will be a day of trembling but know this – nothing will be shaken that holds any eternal value. When the shaking comes just set your heart to keep in mind that I am working both to will and to do My good pleasure. You can trust in the outcome I am bringing about. By My Spirit I am moving through your present circumstances to filter out the residue and the backwash of the past, that you might stand before Me unfettered and undistracted. I have ministry portion for you that constitutes what seeking first the kingdom looks like, so stay your mind upon what I have said and what I am currently doing in your situation.
Your life is not just about managing certain pressures or handling personal issues that never seem to resolve themselves. The Father says I have beckoned you to the HIGH CALLING. Come forth says the Father from the mire and the disorder of natural issues for I have rolled away the stone that you might be loosed and go free. Break the tether of the familiar and embrace fully the new assignment that comes upon you even now. Come up higher. Release the past. Let go the old hindrances. You are stepping into a place of acknowledgment and effectiveness of ministry portion that you have sought for a long time. Let the maturing process come to completion in you. You are complete in Me and I am completing Myself in you this day that you might rise up and take your place as a servant son in the harvest that is whitening even now. This is your portion and your reward says the Father so make the necessary choice and decision not to be left out or hold back in any way.

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