The Father Says Today: March 14th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am bringing a new influence of My Spirit into your life. I am bringing a refreshing and bringing a renewing to lift your heart and ease your mind under the pressures of life you have been experiencing. The blessing I am imparting at this season is that of a lasting value, a bulwark and a fortress of protection and provision. I will not leave you where you are at says the Father. It doesn’t matter what condition your life is in, what your economic condition is I am coming through for you to pay the dividends of Calvary into your situation for deliverance and restoration. No more sorrow or sighing, for the afflictions of the enemy and the attacks of the enemy against you are being confounded and defeated this very day.
There is a new infilling coming – just reach out and receive into yourself. Allow the wind of My refreshing to flow through you and totally fill you this day. You are going to be full of life and full of vigor for I am releasing the wine of My joy to bring laughter and rejoicing beyond what you have experienced in times past. This is your portion says the Father – so just shake off all those things that have no value to your life, things that are not conducive to the kingdom. Walk away, shake it off, reject and completely remove those illegitimate and joy robbing things that have held you back. My grace is sufficient. I will sustain you and bring you that which is new, and life giving. There is a weight of My glory that is replacing the spirit of heaviness and the heartbreak that will no longer track you or rob you of your joy. I am showing up, to show off, and show out and you will know that your Heavenly Father has wrought wonderfully in your life.

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