The Father Says Today: June 26th, 2017

The Father says today, you have greatness in you. There is nothing about you that is small or insignificant. I am a God of Vastness and My Immensity – IN FULL dwells on the inside of you. As I make room for Myself in your life, I push out your personal boundaries to enlarge what is achievable and inescapable of My goodness to be poured out upon you in complete measure. I am that I am, says the Father, and it is My all-encompassing ability and compassion that come together over you as an impenetrable shield of protection and glory. Rest in that truth. Recline in that one deep place of rest without any fear for what tomorrow holds, because all your tomorrows are written in My book and not one of them is a story of downturn or defeat.
Receive, says the Father. Receive this day the full and comprehensive understanding that My favor surrounds you and moves with you throughout each and every day. My favor blends itself into every transaction and every relationship that touches your life. As you choose to be one who follows My ways, I will even make your enemies to be at peace with you and to seek your well-being. I know that is not what you have been taught by the assemblies of the uninformed but you be a Father-pleaser and set your attention upon the assurances of My word knowing that life and life more abundantly is the ONLY outcome I have in store for you. I am perfecting and finalizing Myself in you until the habitation that you are of My Spirit is an exact replica of heaven come to earth in full and broad measure.

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