The Father Says Today: June 20th, 2017

The Father says today you do not know your own strength. Say within yourself in the time of weakness “it is the Father in me that does the work…” You are not weak. You are not a weakling. The Greater One dwells within you and all things are possible. I have placed a spirit of excellence upon you and favor within you to get things done. I have given you authority to persuade, require and demand that will cause things to get done and cause the deaf ears of the rebellious to hear and obey. Ignore the weak excuses of the flesh and refuse to take no for an answer. I am giving you a renewed ability to require and even demand what is due. There will be a rendering up of that which has been withheld from you. Miracles of provision will come out of the least likely sources. Things in your life that you thought were just a write off to experience will suddenly produce fruit and render up that which is outstanding. Keep your expectation high and know that I am working to close the books and seal the deal says the Father.
You have asked “what are you doing, Lord?” I say to you that I am training you. You are in training for reigning. If you are willing, obedient and determined I will promote you. I have also placed a calling upon your life in the midst of challenge and struggle at times that requires putting Me first in all things. The enemy wants to distract you and get you off of MY plan but purpose in your heart that you will wait for My best. Be willing to cut off the toxic relationships that only result in frustration and taxing of your patience. Refuse to be detoured or distracted. Continue to look to Me for the good things that I have in store for you. There are blessings ahead for you and as you accept the pressure and the demands of greater responsibility. New doors are opening up that are beyond your imagining.

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