The Father says today you are where your attention takes you. Set your affections on things above and not on things of earth. The thoughts that fill your mind set the preamble for what happens next in your life. Choose to meditate on My goodness and benefit and blessing in your life. The meditations of your heart are the gates and bars of resistance that throw back what the enemy is attempting to bring against you. As you look to My blessing and anticipate My favor you bring My Spirit and My power online in your situation. Make up your mind that you are part of the process of your own deliverance. As you cooperate with My Spirit and refuse to be flaccid in your faith you will mount up with wings as an eagle and find refuge from every assault of the wicked one.
This is the nature of the new creation that I have formed you to be. You are not a creature of downturn or defeat. You are not destined for destruction. You will not be plowed under by the juggernaut of the enemy’s assault against you. Put your trust in Me. The enemy seeks to rob you of strength. When the mind of the flesh says “I’m tired. I’m exhausted. I can’t take anymore…” Just laugh! Laugh the laugh of faith. Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. Refuse to be a victim. You are not a victim. You are a victor. In fact, you are a conqueror and more than a conqueror because of who I AM on the inside of you. We play till you win. Though everyone else gives up on your situation know that I am still working. Things may not look like what you expect at the end of the day but you will nonetheless declare with all authenticity “what else could possibly go right!”
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Lois Bolinger says:
Traci Myers says:
I receive!!
Virginia Hopper says:
Judy May Wagar says:
I’m a Victor today & everyday.Thanks for the words spoken to me in Jesus name. Amen
Vikki SanSouci says:
I receive Amen
Shari Stringer Harvey
Traci Myers
Magdalena Rodriguez
Karen Williams says:
Setting the pace for our day by thinking on things above instead of the immediate does work. When I purpose not to think about the circumsances, but on things above the dread of the attack lifts and there is peace. Thanks for the confirmation.
Regina Robbins says:
Amen! I receive this Word!
Piper Henry says:
Amen and Amen.. I was feeling this word just a couple of days ago, I know when I’m tried and you want to give up.. But God, whispers in my ear, you can do this,.. Push till something breaks, and the light shines threw.. this is not just for us but generation to come, we have to push our way threw so they can get it.. they need to know who God is.. Hallelujah.. Thank you Father God for your word
Chandra Rudder Mitchell says:
Amen! Amen! Thank You Jesus!
Donna Thorne
Andrea says:
Amen, thank you Lord ❤
Sandy Rose says:
Father I trust you! Amen!
Christy Ligon says:
Thank You Jesus
Theresa Van Luik says:
Thank you Father!
Karen Puckett says:
Allison September says:
help me Lord today to set my thoughts towards heaven
Treasure Nicky Jafarie says:
Susanne Prior says:
Wow! What else could possibly go right, is a Word that was given me awhile ago….so this really speaks to me! As of the past few weeks, I too, have been very distracted! Not anymore!!!! Thank you for a timely word and God Bless you both! ♡
Robearh says:
Victory , is assured this day, Glory to God !