The Father Says Today: January 5th, 2016

dpw-150The Father says today that I call you an achiever and not a failure. Achievement is not a dirty word. Achievement is a kingdom word. When I ascended into the bowels of the earth and came back with the keys of the kingdom – that was an achievement. I place no premium upon failure or being turned back. I was not turned back at the gates of hell and neither will you be turned back from the gates and bars impeding you from My promise. Shake the gates says the Father. Lay hold of the obstacles and hindrances around you and demand and command them to fall down flat. This is the time to choose. Choose life. Choose the breath of life that I am breathing in you now to bring you up and out of death and into a new vitality.
This is highest heart’s desire time and a greatest dream fulfilled. Dream a bigger dream. Get rid of those weak dreams and small hopes. I am a big God and I am capable of big things. I do big things and since I am in you and you are in Me, I have no where else to be BIG than IN YOU. Allow Me to be BIG in you says the Father. Allow My BIGNESS to fill you and flow out of you and change the entire landscape of your life. Have BIG FAITH even for the small things. Cross the threshold from IMPOSSIBLE to POSSIBLE. I am a possibility God and nothing restrains My hand from that which I purpose to do. If I am not restrained then you are not restrained. Listen to My voice and walk forward in the directives and initiatives of heaven even this day.

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