The Father Says Today: January 3rd, 2014

dpw-150The Father days today adopt My mind and My mentality in this new year. As you give way to the mind of the Spirit I have placed within you there will come a change into your life. You will begin to cognate at the velocity that I cognate at and the enemy will not be able to keep up with your purposes or your plans any longer. It will feel as though you are emerging out from under an unshakeable pall that has lingered over your dreams and hopes in times past and suddenly find yourself bursting out into the full sunshine of My favor and My blessing. It has been there all along says the Father but when you allow the natural mind to rule your decisions then you come under the cloud cover of the enemy’s assault.
So let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus says the Father. Reject fatalism. There is no fatalism in the kingdom-minded person. Reject pessimism. Reject sarcasm. Reject defeatism, negativity and cynicism. All of these strongholds originate in the sediments of the natural mind that is contaminated and dominated by sin consciousness. Embrace the Christ mind and know then that your spirit will become a conduit of mountain moving faith that will stop the mouths of the gainsayers, part the waters of adversity and quench the violence of the strategies of the enemy against your life. This is your now season says the Father and a newness of mind and thought is required as you begin to think as an entitled scion of the kingdom and not a cowering sin-conscious waif of the domain of darkness. You are My beloved!

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