The Father Says Today: January 2nd, 2017

The Father says today, this year the high call will be accomplished in your life. This year, says the Father, I call upon you to pour out your life as a drink offering in service to the kingdom. You have prayed, cried and declared that you would be THAT ONE who would serve, THAT ONE who would allow Me to spend you, allow Me to bend you to My will. I heard that prayer when you said “Lord, you can have all of Me…” and this day I take you up on the offer. This year, I receive the sacrifice. I call you oh My beloved, says the Father, to run after Me and to run the way of My commandments. You said “Father, draw Me and I will pursue…” and to you I say “come”. Come and see where I dwell. Come and see what the casual and those tepid in their faith will never know.
The inner court is open, says the Father, to all who are hungering for more than what religious infrastructure can give. To all those who are thirsting and will not be satisfied with the saccharine libations of unenlightened men, who have mistaken charisma for anointing and license for My favor. Come My beloved. Come and see. Come and sit at the table I have prepared for you. Set aside the casual and the careless ways of the false professors and become truly Mine in a measure that goes beyond all that you have ever offered on My altars. Allow Me to make you salt in the earth. Allow Me to make you light to those who sit in darkness. To all who are thirsting and all who are longing for the inner court I say, come.

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