The Father Says Today: January 18th, 2017

The Father says today, let My love in your heart lead you. Love others on My terms and not their own. In all your dealings with others, allow My love to flow to you and through you out to their hearts and lives. There are many weights and expectations men and women will put upon you but there is only one debt you must pay – and that is the debt of love. Even as I said in My word “owe know man anything except to love him…” This is your only obligation. Man may come with his laundry list of things you “must do” but these are not required by My hand. As you listen to their shrill declarations of what they must have from you, just settle it in your heart that only My love will determine what you do next.
Realize this, says the Father, that My love and My lordship proceed from the same place. That means that I love you on My terms and not your own. I said “come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden…” That means that My love is unconditional, but it does involve you coming toward Me in submission and cooperation. Likewise, when you love others you cannot love them ON THEIR TERMS but upon My terms. They will lay out the parameters of what you must do to be a decent human being or “if you call yourself a Christian” but that is not what I expect of you. Your obedience to Me is not determined by the self-referred definitions of others. Love them. Do good to them by what you do and by what you do not do or say. Never return evil for evil. Keep on loving and keep your eyes upon Me for your next assignment is just ahead.

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