The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2017

The Father says today, that I am widening your gaze. I am deepening your perception, that you might take in so much more of My majesty than you have experienced up to now. I am bringing you out of the past, and into My now, that you might know Me in the power of My might and the strength of My fierce love for you, My dear one. This is the time, and this is that hour, for which you have unspeakably yearned and longed for. Step into your now. Step into the love that only a resurrected mind and a renewed heart can apprehend. This is that which cannot be contained by the natural mind, or expressed in an earthly tongue. Let go of the articulation of the language of man, and let the heavenly tongue part your lips and return to Me that love that I so freely gave you on the cross 2000 years ago.
This is that day, and that time, that I am bringing you into a deeper, fuller love relationship with Me. I call you My beloved. I call you My bride. Come up higher. Come up here for there is a place prepared for you, here, by Me. It is time for highest and best. This is the hour to receive of My fullness beyond any metric by which you have measured My goodness up to now. What else could possibly go right? Nothing will be left out. No need unmet. No ache in your heart unsatisfied. Receive it. Lift your heart and hands and voice and take in all that I have for you. Receive the fierce love with which I love you. A love stronger than death, more lasting than the grave. When death and the grave are a footnote in the annals of eternity, you will still be the recipient of that love wherewith I love you.

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