The Father Says Today: February 6th, 2017

The Father says today, you are a creature of the spirit and not of this world. Learn to live out of your spirit man. It is your spirit and not your emotions nor your mind that are equipped to see, know and act upon the fallen environment around you as a victor and not a victim. Your mind can and will be victimized if you allow it to overrule your spirit man. Your emotions can and will be mistreated if you allow their considerations to be first on your priority list. Neither your natural mind nor your emotional make up can comprehend nor contain the mind of the spirit. Learn to keep the natural man in a place of abeyance and silence before Me. Only then can you hear My thoughts and see the world around you through pure eyes of truth and transparency.
Say to your natural mind, “be still”. Say to the emotions raging in your heart, “quiet yourself”. Listen for the voice, MY VOICE that speaks in the silence between your own human thoughts. Listen for My voice that whispers amid the raging turmoil of emotion and senseless passion within you, that can never and will never know My mind. Come and sit at My feet and learn of Me. Come away, My beloved. The wineskin of the natural man can never contain the new wine of My thoughts, My joy and My mind that flows freely as the vintage pressed for you from Calvary’s vine. Abide in Me. Learn to see THROUGH and not just WITH the eyes. I have touched your eyes that you might see. I have opened your ears this day that you might hear. I have loosed your tongue that you might speak with the authority of heaven. This is your portion. This is your share of My irreducible kingdom. Seize upon it with all your getting, and step up to your destiny in Me.

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