The Father Says Today: February 26th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today shall the Lion of Judah roar and the enemy not tremble? Shall I breach the fortress of darkness and the enemy not tremble and cower? Have I not promised? Have I not been your assurance in the night seasons? As you have trusted so I shall deliver. As you have expected so shall I make good. I am not a man that I should lie nor the son of man that I should repent. I will manifest in your life My terrible resoluteness to destroy all the works of the enemy till nothing but smoke and ashes remains of that which the enemy planned – for you are My beloved and I am ascending and roaring this day in your behalf.
Call out says the Father. Will I not answer? Cry out to Me and I will come to you in visitation and glory and cause you to know and cause you to experience all My power and My might. I will bare My arm in your defense says the Father and men will tremble and know that there is a God on High upon whose palm your name is engraved. I will never forget you. I will never forsake My mercies in your behalf. I will come and I will war and make judgment with the kings of the earth and establish you in righteousness and verity forever says the Father. No man will move you. No stronghold will resist you for I am in you – manifesting and substantiating My faithfulness till the whole of the benefit of the cross is paid into your life says your God!

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