The Father Says Today: February 19th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today objects are closer than they appear. There are things you are believing for in your life that seem so far off but I say to you that they are near to hand. This is your NOW season. Say of your soul “I am walking in my NOW!” There are answers and hopes that you have laid before Me that in the natural seem that they will be a long time in coming… but I say to you: Objects are closer than they appear! I am the God of God-speed acceleration and I am bringing a quick work in your situation. You are about to make your exit out of the rat maze of confusion and make some real progress toward seeing your dreams and desires come to pass AS THOUGH IN A DAY.
I am a GIFT GIVER and I am knocking at your door with new gifts, insights and anointings. I will distinguish these gifts and activate them one by one in your heart that you might see the signs and miracles you have been asking for. I will expose the enemy and put a target on his back – that you might target in prayer the strongholds of Satan and see them come down because you believed in what I promised. I will clothe you in joy and put the laugh of faith in your heart. The sense of guilt and heaviness and depression are dissipating from your spirit RIGHT NOW for I declare that RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY ARE YOUR PORTION! This is your now provisioning by My hand so stand up – cast off the grave-clothes of inaction and step out in your destiny for I am with you both to will and to do My good pleasure!

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