The Father Says Today: February 18th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am waiting upon you. There are times you wait upon Me and there are also times that I am waiting upon you. I will guide you with My eye in the season that you are walking through and all you need do is seek My face and respond to the subtle nuance of My leading. I will not beat a drum or raise My voice to speak above the confusion in the room. You must discriminate beloved between all of the voices and noises around you and choose to hear My voice and My voice only. You have asked for leading and I am leading you. You have asked for answers and I am answering you. My sheep know My voice and another they will not follow. Live out of your sheep nature. Live out of your dependency upon Me and not some suggestion that you can solve the problem on your own.
I am working to mend the strife and the estrangements and conflict of relationships in your life. Be willing to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem in those broken and strained relationships. Let the law of kindness be in your mouth every time you speak. Deal with those around you according to the need I reveal in their lives and not the problem they present to you. Do not respond to threats or demands or ultimatums. Do not make threats or demands or ultimatums. Choose to walk in maturity. Respond to My voice speaking in the silence between your own thoughts. When confronted speak to the potential of My peace in the situation. A soft answer turns away wrath and I will cause even those who see themselves as your enemy to be at peace with you – because you have chosen My way and My voice and My revealed directives to walk by this day.

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