The Father Says Today: February 16th, 2017

The Father says today, this is where it gets interesting. You didn’t think I would leave you where you are at, did you? I am a God of momentum and the wind of My Spirit is now filling the sails of your life for a shift. I call for the shift, says the Father. The angel of My presence is standing with one foot on the earth and one foot on the sea and there is a declaration going forth. Get ready, says the Father. Take your staff in your hand and the sword of My word in your mouth. We are about to skewer the enemy, and his doubts and fears, with the sword of My confidence, even My sure word in your mouth. Let your expectations be increased. You will not be diminished. As you go low and worship Me, I will cause you to ride on the high places of the earth.
This is the upside down kingdom. It doesn’t make sense to the natural man or the natural mind. It isn’t logical or an answer to the rationale of the wisdom of man. My thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts. As you receive My mind and accept My directives, I will cause you to ascend to a habitation that only eagle saints can aspire to. Come out of the hen yard of religious thinking. Come out of the mire and the hog trough of men’s opinions. I haven’t called you to have an opinion – I have called you to say yes to My Spirit and yes to My directives, and in so doing, you will pierce the veil of limitation and lack, and soar into the stratosphere of My goodness that is held in reserve for all of those who abandon themselves to Me.

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