The Father Says Today: February 15th, 2018

The Father Says today, do not waver in your faith, Beloved. This is a time that you are set for the defense of your faith. Refuse to give in to uncertainty. What has been promised will surely come to pass. My word is sure. Every stand that you have taken on the provisions of My word is backed up by My YES and AMEN. My promise is unfailing. Heaven and earth would pass away before one assurance in My word where you are concerned will fall to the ground. You are an entitled one in My kingdom. The enemy would entice you to be moved by what you see and what you have heard. Cut off those lying reports. Choose only to believe the GOOD REPORT. You are on the increase. Promotion is coming even now. Disappointment and sorrow are fleeing away. The manifestation of all I have promised is your inheritance, says God, in this season and not some far off “someday, one day”.
Step out in your day this day with a made-up mind. No more vacillating between the natural perspective and the challenge to believe. It doesn’t matter what others say or do. You are going to have to make up your mind that you will go it alone if necessary. There are those that started out clapping you on the back and saying “we believe with you…” that have changed their mind and given in to sense knowledge discouragement. You cannot hold fast to the fellowship of fear and the profession of your faith at the same time. Refuse to be of two opinions. Surround yourself with those that encourage and challenge your faith and watch how swiftly I bring you into your blessing place!

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