The Father Says Today: February 14th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says I am breaking down the works of the enemy in your life. In this season and in the coming year there must be a breaking down before there can be a breakthrough. Don’t think it is a strange thing says the Father for I am bringing a breaking down in your life of those things that are not compatible with the blood of Christ applied to your circumstance and applied to your situation. My Spirit is flowing down and into your life with great force to bring deliverance and transformation. Do not be afraid of the turbulence that is brought by My hand. Fear not when the shaking comes for the shaking that comes only removes those things that carry death, only removes those things that diminish and only removes things from your life that are not constituent elements of the destiny that I have for you.
I am as well touching your mouth, even as I said in Jeremiah, I am putting forth My hand, says the Father, I am touching your mouth and I am putting My words in your mouth. My touch in your mouth will produce My words in your mouth, says the Father. You are going to feel and you are going to sense My hand and My touch upon you and when that comes there will be a decree that will accompany it, a decree that proceeds forth not just out of what you have been taught but it will proceed forth out of that resonant intimacy with Me that I am establishing as I draw you away with Me. So rejoice says the Father for the cry of your heart has been heard and the response of heaven is coming even this day upon you for transformation and deliverance!

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