The Father Says Today: February 13th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 6.39.19 AMThe Father says today you are blessed in the city and in the field. Exercise yourself to take dominion. The soles of your feet, the treads of your tires mark the jurisdiction of your habitation and the boundaries of your blessing. Ask Me and I will give you the wealth of the heathen as your inheritance. I am not limited by the grasping, selfish agendas of men and women blinded by self-seeking. Know this says the Father that money, resources, and favor – all of these things move by My Spirit. As you move IN My Spirit wealth will find you. You are called not to be a repository of insecurity but a flowing resource giving out of this world’s goods to the necessities of My kingdom mandate.
So prepare yourself for blessing and not for blight today says the Father. Put your hand to the assignment and GIVE OUT of yourself. Choose to NOT follow the example of those who HOLD BACK this world’s goods to their own hurt. Grasping and clutching at those few and meager resources will not prepare you for the day to come. Let your joy be full for I will fatten your bones in the good times and I will uphold you in the lean times. Learn to be independent of circumstances by reliance upon Me and by rejecting the territorial, selfish attitudes of those contaminated with the spirit of poverty. I am come that you might have life and life more abundantly and that does not happen under the rigors of grinding poverty and lack. Receive your abundance today says the Father for it is your portion!
What Others are Saying:
Thank you Father-God for this encouraging message. It has brightened my day and lightened my load. Thank you for pouring your favor out upon us in overflowing measure. I am ecstatic about your love for us. Sending your Son Jesus proves it all!!

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Other Comments

  • Bridgette says:

    Lord I thank you knowing in faith that you shall bless me with the wealth of the heathen as
    my inheritance. I humbly decree, declare, receive, and truly believe and hold steadfast to
    this prpophetic waord spoken and released for today by your man servant.
    Jesus, eyes have not seen and either will ears hear what you are about to do in the lives of
    me and my household. Amen! Amen! You all please pray for the speedy release of my inheritance,
    of which the enemy is attempting to attack by way of “all for me” self seekers.