The Father Says Today: February 12th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that fear is not your portion. I have not given you a spirit of fear. I have given you soundness and confidence and assurance. Receive and drink deeply of My assurance in your life says the Father for I am with you and will never leave you or forsake you in any way. Things changes, people change and circumstances change but I am the CHANGELESS ONE and your life and health and well-being are anchored in Me. There is no turbulence or upheaval or assault of the enemy that can shake the foundation you are secured on by My mighty arm.
Your name is graven upon the palm of My hand this day says the Father. I have set you as the apple – the pupil of My eye. I wouldn’t let the enemy poke his finger in My eye and neither will I let him invade your space or come near you. Stand up and refuse to cower to the enemy. Refuse to hang your head and divert your eye as though the enemy won’t notice you. Wear the banner of My kingdom boldly and confidently for I will put the terror of the Lord in the hearts of all those who oppose. At the end of the day says the Father you will be in secure possession of the victor’s spoil for I will allow no other outcome!

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