The Father Says Today: December 6th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, drink deeply of the milk of My word. My word is as milk for those who feed on the breast of My faithfulness. Those who have no place for My word in their lives have excluded themselves from the very kingdom they claim to serve. Come to Me as a little child. Desire the sincere milk of My word and make it your daily sustenance. Others may desire to drink of the folly and foolishness of the narrative of man, but choose in your heart that My word will be the lamp that guides your feet and illuminates your path. I will see to it that all you need to know will be found in the fullness of My word as you draw yourself away with Me.
Expect new instructions today. Let your ear be attentive, for I am speaking through people, circumstances and situations. I am whispering over your shoulder saying “this is the way, walk you in it …” As you hear My voice – wait for confirmation and move forward. Moving forward is the only option, for there is no going back. There have been those who have called to you on the backward trek, but I say to you that My soul will have no pleasure in those who turn back. Turning back is not an option – you must press forward into the undiscovered territory of tomorrows promise. You will not be disappointed with what you find there, says the Father, for I am there, waiting to be made known as your faithful Father, even there.

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