The Father Says Today: December 5th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, that specificity has its price tag. You have asked for specific instruction and for clear understanding of what comes next. I say to you, what have you done with the last specific instructions that I gave you? Beloved, what I have already said to you is much more powerful than what you are waiting upon Me to do or say. Step out on that which has been made known. No more waiting in the galleries of human speculation, as though it was up to Me to give you more information than I already have. Follow your joy. Your joy will never lead you astray when it is anchored in Me and not any other thing. Go out with joy. Be led forth with My peace.
Are you willing to be clueless? Abraham went out seeking a city, but he knew not where. He knew not where he was going, and there were 318 men and their loved ones dependent upon what he did next. The enemy has taunted you, and tempted you with a false sense of responsibility that said you couldn’t step out in faith, because other lives would be affected. You have no idea what a debilitating effect your timidity is having upon those same tender lives you claim to be so concerned about. Step out, says the Father. Expect great things. Know that I will meet you in the way, open every door and propel you to the new territory of My promise – even a land flowing with milk and honey.

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